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Paper Boat Book Swap: Cozy, Mystery, Magical!

  • Paper Boat Booksellers 6040 California Ave SW Ste A Seattle, WA 98136 USA (map)

Please join us for this one-of-a-kind of event where everyone leaves with a brand new book to get excited about! Attendees will each purchase a copy of a book: this months theme fits the season, Cozy, Mystery, Magical! We'll go around the room and everyone will give a short description of their book and why they think it makes the perfect book for someone else to read. After that, it turns into an exciting White Elephant style swap, only instead of getting a joke present, you get an amazing new book!

Here are the rules:

1. The book must be new and preferrably purchased through Paper Boat Booksellers. Feel free to browse in-store or contact us to have us hold or special order the book of your choosing for the event. Let your bookseller know you are with the group and receive 10% off your book.

2. Please be prepared to say something about the book and what it means to you in front of the group.

3. After everyone has spoken, we'll draw numbers and the book swap begins with #1 picking first (and last). A book can only be stolen once before it is off limits.

This is always a fun event and we look forward to seeing what everyone brings (and leaving with a new book!). We will provide snacks, sips and fun community vibes! No need to sign up, just show up!

Earlier Event: September 27
Toddler Reading Time!
Later Event: September 30
Family Reading Time!